About the authors


The Quasiturbine Continuous Combustion Rotary Engine is a family endeavor. Roxan Saint-Hilaire (27) has completed an electrical engineering degree at École Polytechnique de Montréal (Québec), and work with a firm in Ontario making ultra-fast communication routers. His brother Ylian Saint-Hilaire (29) has completed a master degree in Computer Science at Université du Québec à Montréal, and is now working for an american multinational on the west coast. The father, Gilles Saint-Hilaire is a thermonuclear physicist with some spare time to support his kids' creativity. The three of them are professional airplane pilots, and computer literate. Françoise Saint-Hilaire, the mother, has a master's degree in literature. She contributes to all major decisions with practical intuitivity. The four of them hate piston engines!

The Quasiturbine Technology is :
- Québécoise and Canadienne, because one of the inventors has ancestral origin from Québec.
- French and European, because one of the inventors has ancestral origin from France.
- American (USA), because 2 of the inventors live and work in the United States of America.
- Without territory, because soon, it will be available to all humans of the planet...


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Our dream : A Quasiturbine car in a natural environment !

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Quasiturbine Agence Inc., Promotional Agent for the Quasiturbine Continuous Combustion Rotary Engine or Compressor
Casier 2804, 3535 Ave Papineau, Montréal Québec H2K 4J9 CANADA (514) 527-8484 Fax (514) 527-9530
http://quasiturbine.promci.qc.ca             quasiturbine@promci.qc.ca